News & updates 2024
30 Nov 2024 |
Last week, it was sadly time to say goodbye to Sylvi. Almost reaching the age of thirteen, she was given sleep due to old age overtaking her. My condolences go out to Sylvi's family.
The two girls from my January litter, Mette and Saaga, were shown in puppy classes in September. At Uusikaarlepyy on 15 Sep, Mette was placed third in her class under Jaana Kummala. A week later, the two sisters met in the Kajaani puppy show where Pinja Hiltunen was judging. Saaga was placed fourth while Mette did not get a placement this time.
Ippo got a chance to show off his sheep herding skills in a herding aptitude test held at Oulainen on 13 Oct. The test was judged by Anne Ojanen, who was happy with Ippos's performance and gave him his NHAT title!
Some new health test results have come in: Vappu's eyes and patellas were re-examined, all clear. Litter siblings Maya and Selmi's x-ray results look like this: Maya's hip score is B/B, elbow score 0/0, and spine scores VA0 and LTV0. Selmi's hip score is C/C and elbow score 0/0. What is more, both were patella scored clear. A big thank you to the owners!
Ellie, Maya, Mette and Saaga have new profile pictures, and the galleries of Salli, Nuttu and Mette have been updated. Thank you to the photographers! |
13 Sep 2024 |
The very last show results of the summer:
- Rovaniemi group show 10 Aug: Salli Excellent/1 under Tarja Kallio.
- Rovaniemi group show 11 Aug: Vappu Excellent/4 under Kimmo Mustonen.
- Kinnula group show 25 Aug: Salli 3rd in bitch challenge under Leila Stenlund.
- Siikajoki puppy show 31 Aug: Mette second in puppy class under Johanna Sarkkinen.
The long-awaited sheep herding camp of the Jäätuulen and Cantavia kennels took place on 31 Aug/1 Sep at Kuivaniemi. First-timers of the Cantavia team were Pate, Selmi and Ippo, while the slightly more experienced participants were Ruusu, Salli and Ella. In addition, my two oldies made an appearance in the paddock. Kielo, who is now 15, wasn't too bothered about the sheep but did enjoy her five-minute walk in the paddock sniffing new smells. Vuokko (almost 13) did somewhat better, however, it was watching the younger ones work the sheep that really made my day as we witnessed some very promising performances. Photos of Pate and Selmi below by Titta Repo.

Poca had an action-packed weekend on 7/8 Sep: on the Saturday she and her handler Hanneliisa passed the novice level test of tracking in their quest to become SAR team members for the The Volunteer Rescue Service of Finland. Well done! On the Sunday, Poca was temperament tested at Haukipudas with a total score of 155 points (gun-sure). The judges were Leena Berg and Reijo Hynynen.
Ellie has been eye tested clear. Thank you Kendra!
Photo updates: Selmi has a new picture on his personal page and on Alma's progeny page. Sheep herding photos added to the galleries of Vuokko, Ruusu, Ella, and Ippo (thank you Titta Repo!). Poca's gallery updated with a few photos from the temperament test. |
4 Aug 2024 |
Great news from the group show held at Siikajoki yesterday: a new Finnish champion was made up as Vappu went BOS under Jari Fors! Way to go Vappu!
Ippo's profile photo and gallery updated. |
31 July 2024 |
It breaks my heart to report that Haku had two back-to-back epileptic seizures last week and was immediately put on medication. Here's hoping that the medication keeps the seizures at bay.
Last show results of July:
- Kalajoki International 20 July: Vappu Excellent/2 & CQ under Tiina Eskelinen.
- Posio group show 27 July: Vappu (photos below) Excellent/3 and Salli Excellent/2 under Perttu Ståhlberg.

18 July 2024 |
Oulu Nordic show 7 July: Vappu Excellent/2 under Ville Meronen.
Laukaa all-breed show 13 July: Salli Best of Breed with her second CC under Jari Fors. Photo by Henna Huttunen.

Mäntsälä all-breed show 14 July: Huli graded Good under Tiina Eskelinen.
Pictures of Mette at a recent match show added to her gallery. |
5 July 2024 |
A couple of show results from late June:
- Gällivare International 28 June: Sulo Very Good/2 under Katja Korhonen.
- Turku International 29 June: Vappu Excellent/1 under Hannele Jokisilta.
- Pieksämäki group show 29 June: Salli Excellent/1, CQ & third place in bitch challenge with a reserve CC under Hannu Talvi. Photo by Sanna Parviainen.

On 30 June, we attended a sheep herding aptitude test at Kuivaniemi with Salli and Poca. Judge Sinikka Kumpusalmi described Salli as "a turbo-charged Lappie full of speed and determination, while also quick to figure out what is expected of her. Super dog!" Poca's report reads as follows: "Lovely, happy dog-handler team. The dog truly enjoys working, demonstrating both briskness and sensitivity". Both dogs passed the test. Photos from the event added to Salli and Poca's galleries. |
18 June 2024 |
Sadly, we've experienced yet another loss: Masi, who reached the age of 15 in April, had to be given sleep earlier this month due to old age ailments and a possible tumour. My condolences to Masi's family!
Ii group show 15 June: Vappu Excellent/3 under Paavo Mattila.
Alma's puppies added to Litters, and photos updated on the following pages: Salli's gallery, Alma's progeny, Pate, and Nilla. |
1 June 2024 |
Two of the O litter puppies have moved to their new homes. One of the bitches (Oravanmarja aka Armi) is staying with her mum Alma, granny Sylvi and Sulo (Jäkäläkummun Ällintälli), while Onnenapila is keeping his sister company until he is old enough to move to his new home country. Personal pages for the puppies will be added soon.
Salli's recent health test results: eyes clear (including gonioscopy) and patellas 0/0. |
27 May 2024 |
Results from May dog shows:
- Reisjärvi group show 11 May: Vappu 2nd in bitch challenge with a reserve CC under Katja Korhonen.
- Haapavesi group show 12 May: Ippo graded Good, and Poca and Vappu Very Good under Markku Kipinä.
- Seinäjoki group show 18 May: Ippo Excellent/4, Sulo 3rd in dog challenge with a CC, and Salli Excellent/3 under Reino Korpela.
- Oulu group show 18 May: Vappu Very Good/3 under Jaana Kummala.
- Ruovesi group show 19.5.: Ippo Excellent/1, Sulo 3rd in dog challenge with his crowning CC (congratulations to a new champion!), and Salli 4th in bitch challenge under breeder judge Esa Ruotsalainen. Photos of Sulo and Salli below by Merja Koivuluoma.
- Keminmaa group show 25 May: Sulo Excellent/3 under Perttu Ståhlberg.
- Oulu group show 25 May: Vappu Excellent/3 under Mari Lackman.
- Piteå Lapphund Specialty, Sweden 26 May: Sulo Excellent under Virpi Sarparanta.

Outside of the show rings, Sulo has passed his eye test including gonioscopy with a clear result. A big thank you to the owners!
Photo update: Sulo and Ippo have new profile pictures. |
5 May 2024 |
Some not-so-great news this time: firstly, I received a sad message about Nasti passing away at the age of fifteen. My condolences to Nasti's family! Secondly, Ella's x-rays were done recently: the scores are otherwise decent (elbow score 0/0, OCD score Unaffected/Unaffected, spine scores LTV0 and VA0), however, her hip score turned out to be D/C.
Jiska was shown today at the Mäntsälä group show under Aila Lehmussaari. She won the open class with a Very Good grading. |
25 Apr 2024 |
Puppy news! Alma gave birth to two boys and two girls on 10 Apr.
Herding aptitude test results: Salli was tested on reindeer at Savukoski on 7 Apr. Somewhat too eager and overexcited, Salli got the evaluation "retesting recommended". A week later Jiska was tested on sheep at Karstula and she passed the test. Congratulations!
Huli has a new profile picture. Thank you Niina! |
1 Apr 2024 |
Kerttu's puppies have moved to their new homes. Head over to Litters and Co-owned to see their personal pages.

Spring Specialty of the Lapphund Club of Finland, Kotka 17 Mar: Rasmus graded Very Good under Sanna Kavén.
Jyväskylä group show 17 Mar: Vappu Excellent/2 under Reino Korpela.
Health test results: Jiska, who was elbow x-rayed about a year ago with a score of 0/1 (i.e. mild elbow dysplasia on the right side), was examined by computed tomography (CT) to see what was actually wrong with the elbow. CT findings revealed approximately 1 mm of new bone formation on the anconeal process and a bone spur smaller than 1 mm on the medial side of the inner coronoid process. Based on these findings, Jiska's elbow score remained unchanged. Sulo's hip score turned out to be B/B and elbow score 0/0. A big thank you to the owners! |
10 Mar 2024 |
Juuka group show 9 Mar: Noki graded Very Good by Hannu Talvi.
Noki's gallery updated (thank you Outi Uusitalo!). |
6 Mar 2024 |
Raahe group show 10 Feb: Vappu Very Good/4 under Sakari Poti.
Health test results: Huli's hip score is C/C and elbow score 0/0, and he is free from patella luxation and shoulder OC. His spine x-ray results came back clear, too (LTV0/SP0/VA0). His sister Jiska has been eye tested clear, and finally Haku, who was x-rayed in connection with his castration operation, received a hip score of B/A, elbow score of 0/0, and patella score of 0/0. A big thank you to the owners! |
4 Feb 2024 |
The fifth generation is here! On 28 Jan, Kerttu gave birth to three boys (B/T & cream) and two girls (B/T & wolf sable). All went without a hitch and Kerttu is an excellent mother. All puppies are spoken for so no enquiries please.

As I was staying at home with Kerttu I missed this year's traditional Kuopio Spitz Specialty held on 28 Jan. Three team members were shown under breeder judge Tapio Kakko and the results look like this: Rasmus Very Good/4, Poca Very Good/2, and Vappu Excellent/2 & CQ. Yesterday there was a group show in Tornio, where both Sulo and Vappu were graded Excellent and Sulo was also placed fourth in his class under Tuula Pratt.
Photo galleries of Salli, Ella, and Ippo updated. Ella and Ippo also have new profile pictures (thank you Niina Nyrhinen & Titta Repo!).
27 Jan 2024 |
Kerttu's pregnancy x-ray revealed at least four puppies, possibly even five. Exciting times ahead!
The first show of the year is always the traditional Kajaani International, this year taking place on 13/14 Jan. Our team was represented by Vappu, who did a great job going Best of Opposite Sex and taking her second CC as well as her first CACIB! The entry of 48 Finnish Lapphunds was judged by Paula Heikkinen-Lehkonen. Congrats & thanks for the photos Eppu Pietola!

Last weekend saw us brave the elements as we had the Jäätuulen & Cantavia kennels' reindeer herding camp at Oijärvi. The temperature on Saturday morning was -29°C/-20°F, and while the reindeer and the Lappies didn't seem too bothered, we human beings were struggling to keep warm! Participants from our team were Rasmus, Salli, Jiska, Ella and Ippo. Salli was the only one with any previous experience in reindeer herding and I was happy to discover that she had not forgotten what to do but did an impressive job this time, too. All four first-timers showed great interest in the reindeer and demonstrated herding instinct. Showcasing their skills below are Rasmus and Jiska.

Latest health test results: Sulo has been eye tested and gonioscopied clear. Arttu's hip score is D/B, elbow score 0/0, patella score 0/0, and his eyes are clear. A big thank you to their owners!
I recently had Salli, Ippo and Poca gene tested with Embark (at-home swabs, so no veterinary verification available). The test panel not only contains lots of genetic health condition tests, but a whole host of other traits, too (such as coat, colour, size, and haplotypes). Salli and Poca turned out to be clear of all 250+ health issues including the ones somewhat relevant to Finnish Lapphunds (prcd-PRA, ift122-PRA, Pompe disease, DM and CMR). Ippo is a carrier of prcd-PRA and DM, as well as of the Lundehund syndrome (LEPREL1 gene). However, absolutely the most interesting part of the report is the genetic coefficient of inbreeding, which indicates how large a percentage of an individual's genes are identical on both sides of the pedigree. Salli's genetic COI is as high as 11% and Poca's 10% even though their pedigree-based COIs can be considered rather low. As expected, Ippo's genetic COI is 0% since his dam is originally a Russian Nenets Laika. |