Previously co-owned
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C.I.B/FI/EE Ch TK2 Cantavia Lounatuuli
- Finnish Lapphund (bitch)
- Sire: Orso-Farm Dielku
- Dam: FI Ch Orso-Farm Qumina
- DOB 1 Aug 2004, died 30 June 2018
- Location: Oulu
- Eyes clear (Mar' 08), hip score C/C, elbow score 0/0, free from
patella luxation, prcd-PRA Normal/Clear

Peppi was from my second Lappie litter. Originally placed out on breeding terms, she lived
here in Oulu. Peppi was shown
both by co-owner Kati and me, and not even one year old, she already had two CCs
and BOBs to her credit. Her proudest moments in the show ring included two
class wins at Lapphund Club specialties: she won the junior class at the Autumn
Specialty 2005 under breed specialist Eija Lehtimäki and the champion class
at the Autumn Specialty 2007 under Hannu Talvi. She also went second in the bitch
challenge out of 170 Lappies on the latter occasion. Peppi finished her Finnish
Champion title shortly after her second birthday and later gained her
International title, too. In agility Peppi competed in the Midi
3 class and, what is more, she earned the obedience degree TK2 from the Open Class. Peppi also passed the reindeer herding test at Narkaus in
March 2006 and got 174 points/gun-sure (unaccustomed to gunshots) in the Finnish
temperament test in November 2007. Unfortunately Peppi never
conceived despite numerous attempts, and the ownership was
transferred to Kati when Peppi turned four years old. Thank you, Kati, for your active participation in all things
canine - I really appreciate your efforts!
>> Photo gallery
>> Peppi in KoiraNet