Previously co-owned
home >>Co-owned
>>Previously co-owned
>>In memoriam
>>Summary of dogs owned or bred
FI/SE/BY Ch BYW '16 Cantavia Kalliokielo
- Finnish Lapphund (bitch)
- Sire: Murustiinan Aamos
GR/CY/GE/MD/ MK/ME Ch BALT/EE/LV/LT VCh JW '10 BYW '15 Shacal Rosmariini
- DOB 9 Aug 2013, died 8 Mar 2019
- Location: Suomussalmi (Katajavaaran)
- Eyes clear (July '15), hip score B/B, elbow score 0/1, free from
patella luxation, prcd-PRA Normal/Clear, Pompe disease Normal/Clear

There were as many as five bitch puppies in Kielo's first litter, so it was
not exactly easy to choose which one to place out on breeding
terms. Siehkku caught my eye from day one, so she was my
final choice in the end. Pirjo had booked a bitch puppy
from Kielo a couple of years earlier, so Katajavaaran kennel was the obvious home for
Siehkku. Siehkku's career as a show dog was off to a
sterling start with numerous nice wins in the puppy
class as well as two CCs (and a BOB and BOS) from
junior classes before turning ten months old, one of them
from breed specialist Tapio Kakko. She also won a
CC (& BOS) in Sweden shortly after her second
birthday, and finished her Finnish and Swedish titles in
style by going BOB under Markku Mähönen in July
2016. Unfortunately
Siehkku developed a bilateral inguinal hernia in 2015 so I decided not to
breed from her and handed over the ownership to Pirjo. In
March 2017, Siehkku had an epileptic fit. Examined by a
vet the next day, he diagnosed an inflammation of
the outer and middle ear, which can cause symptoms that
mimic seizures. However, we will never be able to tell for
sure if this was the case (she never had any more
seizures). With age Siehkku started showing aggressive
tendencies towards the other dogs in the family and
eventually had to be put to sleep. Thank you for everything Pirjo & the Katajavaaran gang!
>> Photo gallery
>> Siehkku in KoiraNet